Alex Ayliffe
Alex Ayliffe is a contemporary abstract artist living and working near Woodbridge, Suffolk. Since 2017 she has painted full time and is establishing herself as a significant abstract artist. Her work explores boundaries, borders and edges, questioning how we interact with them.
In her work Alex says she is responding to today’s paradox of us being both more connected, yet subject to a host of physical barriers and emotional constraints. Her paintings explore an inner landscape of emotion and an outer geographical landscape. She uses colour, texture and scale to create the notion of a place within a place. After graduating from Westminster University in 1983 Alex initially pursued a very successful career in illustration, becoming a best selling children's author and illustrator. In 2000 she won the Sainsbury's prize for children's illustration. In 2019 she graduated with an MA course in Fine Art (with distinction) from the University of Hertfordshire which confirmed her new direction as a contemporary abstract artist. 2 of her works were selected for the University of Hertfordshire permanent collection. For sales enquires please contact [email protected] |